April 18 : Hartford, CT -Served as Chairman of the Business Committee at the Connecticut Convention (for colored men) held in Talcott Street Church in Hartford “to consider and deliberate in regard to the subject of their political enfranchisement…” (John P. Anthony, Pres’t, Ebenezer D. Bassett, Sec’y, and Leverett C. Beman, Sec’y. “Colored Men’s Convention.” Frederick Douglass’ Paper [Rochester, New York] 4 May 1855: n.p. 19th Century U.S. Newspapers. Web.)

May 12: Rye Neck, Westchester County, NY – Spoke at the opening Celebration of the Colored American Grove (L. Tilmon, President. “Opening Celebration.” Frederick Douglass’ Paper [Rochester, New York] 11 May 1855: n.p. 19th Century U.S. Newspapers. Web.)

May 17: New York Third Semi-Annual Meeting of the National Council of the Colored People (result of the ’53 Rochester Convention). Beman signed on the report of the Manual Labor Committee, and made a report on Colored Conventions in the United States (The New York Tribune, “Selections. National Council of the Colored People.” Frederick Douglass’ Paper [Rochester, NY] 18 May 1855: African American Newspapers. Web.)

June 5: New Haven – Addresses the Legislature of Connecticut and challenges Joseph Maddox to a public discussion related to a proposed amendment to the Connecticut State Constitution (Amos G. Beman. “Rev. A. G. Beman, and the Connecticut Legislature.” Frederick Douglass’ Paper [Rochester, New York] 22 June 1855: n.p. 19th Century U.S. Newspapers. Web.)

July 25: Greenport, L.I. “Sermon and Right Hand of Fellowship” at the ordination of Peter Booth for the 1st Colored Congregational Church in Greenport, L.I. (A. G. B. “Ordination in Greenport, L.I.” Frederick Douglass’ Paper [Rochester, New York] 3 Aug. 1855: n.p. 19th Century U.S. Newspapers. Web.)

October 16-18: Philadelphia, PA – National Convention, Beman presided over deliberations

October 23-25: Boston, MA – Convention of Radical Abolitionists, assembled in Tremont Temple (William Goodell, and Jas. Mccune Smith, Com. Of Arr. “General Convention of Radical Political Abolitionists, at Boston.” Liberator [Boston, Massachusetts] 31 Aug. 1855: 139. 19th Century U.S. Newspapers.)

November (Day unknown): New York – Gave an address for the opening of a female college in Elmira, N.Y. during the State Fair (D. M. “A FEMALE COLLEGE…” Liberator [Boston, Massachusetts] 9 Nov. 1855: 180. 19th Century U.S. Newspapers. Web.)

Below is a storymap of Beman’s travels in 1855.


Jenn Briggs, English 641, Spring 2016. Taught by Professor P. Gabrielle Foreman, University of Delaware.