Mary Ann Shadd Cary’s Herstory in the Colored Conventions

This exhibit examines the work of path-breaking activist, educator, and newspaper editor Mary Ann Shadd Cary especially in relation to her role as one of the few women delegates of the Colored Conventions Movement. It was launched in 2023 in honor of the 200th anniversary of her birth which was also celebrated through the yearly global transcribe-a-thon, Douglass Day.


Curator: Brandi Locke, PhD Candidate in English and Committee Chair. Created for ENGL/HIST 677, taught by P. Gabrielle Foreman, University of Delaware, Spring 2019.

Edited by P. Gabrielle Foreman, Nneka Dennie, Rachel Fernandes, and Samantha Q. de Vera. 

Data Visualizations by Brandi Locke and Samantha Q. de Vera. 

Proofread by  Lauren Cooper, Wendyliz Martinez, Eden Mekonen, Courtney Murray, Gabrielle Sutherland, and Kaitlyn Tanis.

Special thanks to Gale, a Cengage Company, and Accessible Archives Inc.® for granting permission for the use of the materials from 19th Century U.S. Newspaper and African American Newspapers: The 19th Century.

The Colored Conventions Project works with teaching partners and their students to create digital content on the rich history of Black political organizing in the nineteenth-century. Visit our Teaching Partners page to browse the curriculum and find information on becoming a teaching partner.