Colored Conventions in the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age

Hosted at the Delaware Historical Society and the University of Delaware
April 24-26, 2015

This symposium, the first to take the convention movement as its focus, posed questions about the ways in which understandings of nineteenth-century campaigns for racial justice shift when the decades-long Colored Conventions movement stands alongside abolition and the underground railroad as one of the principal ways in which we conceive of early racial and justice movements. Presenters brought a wide range of interdisciplinary perspectives to the meeting: religious, historical, literary, gender, visual, and performance studies. Organizers and presenters highlighted the crucial work done by Black women, who have been largely erased from convention minutes, in the broader organizational and social networks that made these conventions possible. An edited collection, symposium video highlights, and online exhibits to complement featured essays are forthcoming. Watch this space!


Participants include:

Erica Ball Abstract | Bio | Video

Kabria Baumgartner Abstract | Bio | Video

Kimberly Blockett | Bio

Joan Bryant Abstract | Bio | Video

Jim Casey Abstract | Bio | Video

Eric Gardner Abstract | Bio | Video

Margarita Simon Guillory Abstract | Bio | Video

Andre E. Johnson Abstract | Bio | Video

A. Nevell Owens Abstract | Bio | Video

Sarah Patterson Abstract | Bio | Video

Carla L. Peterson Abstract | Bio

Jean Pfaelzer Abstract | Bio | Video

Daina Ramey Berry Abstract | Bio

Selena Sanderfer Abstract | Bio | Video

Derrick R. Spires Abstract | Bio | Video

Jermaine Thibodeaux Abstract | Bio | Video

Psyche Williams-Forson Abstract | Bio | Video

Jewon Woo Abstract | Bio | Video

Schedule (View the schedule online)

Click to read a Storify recap of the Twitter activity during the symposium.